Areas of expertise

The responsibilities of Camões, I.P. are determined in articles 3, paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Decree-Law no. 21/2012, January 30. Order no. 194/2012, June 20 and Resolution no.1201/2012, August 30, determining the organisation of Camões, I.P. and setting out the specific responsibilities and competencies for each organisational unit.

Through its three main areas of expertise – co-operation, language and culture - Camões, I.P. adheres to the following guidelines:


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Co-operation is an essential aspect of Portugal’s foreign policy. It aims to promote the economic, social and cultural development of its partner countries, namely the priority nations of PALOP (the Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor), whilst at the same time improving the living conditions of their populations. The guidelines for Portuguese co-operation are firmly defined according to the level of importance given to solidarity and respect for human rights, as well as global responsibility in light of the increasing interconnection between development and world issues such as the promotion of social development, security and environmental sustainability across the planet.



Camões, I.P. ensures the promotion, education and spread of the Portuguese language and culture in 84different countries, either through its network of lecturing and teaching agreements in co-operation with 357 higher education institutions and organisations and through nursery, primary and secondary school education in association with several foreign Ministries of Education, local educational agencies and Portuguese-speaking diaspora.


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Camões, I.P. operates a network of Portuguese cultural centres in 192 countries across four continents which welcome and/or provide support for events promoting artistic activities of the most varied nature, as well as a network of Portuguese language centres and diplomatic missions running external cultural programmes. In light of this, Camões, I.P. provides support for hundreds of cultural initiatives each year ranging from literature to architecture, including visual arts, dance, drama, music, film and heritage. Camões, I.P. also organises exhibitions, supports artists from Portugal and the Community of Portuguese Language Countries at festivals, conferences, fairs, seminars and other international cultural events happening abroad.

1 and 2 Sources: 2015 Activity Report

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