Lisboa: Conferências Fulbright Alumni

Camões, I.P.
Lisboa (Camões, I.P.)


A Fulbrighters Portugal – Alumni Association apresenta o 3.º Ciclo das Conferências Fulbright Alumni, em conjunto com a Comissão Fulbright e a Embaixada dos E.U.A., que se destina a promover a partilha de experiências entre Fulbrighters, a ajudar a divulgar os méritos e as qualidades do Programa Fulbright e apostar no desenvolvimento e na criação de uma “network” de Fulbright Alumni.

Aos objetivos acima indicados juntamos igualmente o de incentivar o debate sobre temas da atualidade e divulgar a sabedoria de Alumni de reconhecido mérito.

O 3.º ciclo de conferências inicia-se no dia 4 de fevereiro de 2020 às 18h00 no Camões, I.P., com o seguinte programa:



João Ascenso, Fulbrighter

“Diversidade de género nos conselhos de administração / Gender diversity in the boardroom”

João graduated in 2010 from the School of Law, University of Lisbon, and has an LLM from the University of Michigan (2018-2019), where he was a Fulbrighter, and a Postgraduate degree in EU Law. He worked as a Co-Coordinator of the European Year of  Citizenship (2013-2014). He was also a Teaching Assistant at the Military Academy and at the University of Lisbon. Between 2016-2018, João was also a Tax Lawyer. In 2017, João started to participate in the Olive Oil production, as his wife Francisca, and he is also a young farmer. He is currently starting a new business by recently opening his law firm, Ascenso & Associados.


Francisca Ascenso, Fulbrighter

“Produção de azeite em Portugal: presente e desafios futuros / Olive oil production in Portugal: present and future”

Francisca graduated in 2015 from the School of Law, University of Lisbon, and has an LLM from the Catholic University of Portugal (2015), and a Postgraduate degree in Theory of Law (UL, 2016), and another LLM from the University of Michigan (2018-2019), where she was a Fulbrighter. She has worked as a Lawyer in individual practice and in the Public Law department of a large Portuguese Law firm. For the past few years, she has been working as a legal translator and a copy editor, as well as teaching History of Portuguese Law and History of Legal Thought at the University of Lisbon. Francisca is also a young Farmer managing a firm dedicated to the production of olive oil.



Lénia Lopes, Presidente da Assembleia Geral de Fulbrighters Portugal



Pilar Abreu Lima, Fulbrighter

As a Fulbrighter, Pilar was at the University of Arizona, in 2014-2015, to study Landscape Architecture. Besides her position as a researcher at the Researcher Center of Innovation in Architecture, University of Porto, today, Pilar is also devoted to ensuring the highest quality of Magna Olea Olive Oil, an extra virgin oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means. Her dedication results in one of the finest and most exclusive olive oils in the market, as the last international awards can prove.


No final das conferências, irá realizar-se uma Prova de Azeite.


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