Oportunidades de Trabalho em Outros Organismos
Neste espaço serão divulgadas as oportunidades de trabalho que surgem em organismos internacionais.
No site Carreiras Internacionais, que reúne conteúdos informativos sobre as oportunidades de emprego na União Europeia, Conselho da Europa, Nações Unidas e para os serviços externos do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros.
Para informação sobre recrutamento para os diferentes Organismos da União Europeia, poderá consultar o endereço do CIEJD (Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors), em Oportunidades ou Trabalhar na UE.
Internship in Public Policy, Lisbon
Closing date: 20 April 2022
We are recruiting an Intern in Public Policy to support the coordination of consultancy projects implemented by CESO and its associated companies. The intern will be actively engaged in implementing the company's strategy, which will require regular contact with clients, partners, and consultants with experience in a variety of public policy issues at the international level.
Vacancies at UNAIDS
For your information, please find below the link to access the following UNAIDS vacancies notices.
Closing date: 19 April 2022
Cooperação Ibero-Americana: Pré-seleção de candidatos a Secretário/a da Unidade Técnica da Iniciativa de Cidadania Global para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Candidaturas até 6 de março de 2022
No decorrer da Cimeira de Chefes de Estado e de Governo do espaço Ibero-Americano, realizada em abril de 2021, em Andorra, foi aprovada uma proposta de PIPA (Programas, Iniciativas e Projetos Adstritos) da Cooperação Ibero-Americana, designada por Iniciativa Ibero-Americana sobre Cidadania Global para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CGpDS), que conta com a participação de 6 países, designadamente, Chile, Espanha, Paraguai, Portugal, República Dominicana e Uruguai, e com o apoio da SEGIB (Secretaria Geral Ibero-Americana).
Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme, Kenya (UNEP)
Closing date: 23 March 2022
UNEP/Executive/2022 Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme The United Nations welcomes applications for the position of Deputy Executive Director at the level of Assistant Secretary-General.
Assistant representative, national post, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau (UNFPA)
Closing date: 18 Feb 2022 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
The Assistant Representative, in Coordination with the Representative, designs, develops, and manages an innovative and responsive country programme. You will lead the programme team, inspiring it to translate the regional and country goals into tangible solutions and results.
Deputy representative, P-5, Dili, Timor-Leste (UNFPA)
Closing date: 17 Feb 2022 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
Under the guidance of a regional director, the representative will lead a country team in the development and management of an innovative country programme of cooperation focused on population and development and universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, including maternal health, family planning, gender and adolescent and youth empowerment.
Recrutamento de Professores de Português para o Utah (EUA)
Candidaturas até 25 de fevereiro de 2022
Informam-se todos os interessados de procedimento concursal (2022-2023) para recrutamento de 3 professores visitantes de Portugal (3 full-time positions in Utah DLI; J-1 Visa) para lecionarem nas escolas do ensino básico/elementar da Direção Escolar do Estado do Utah (Programa de Imersão Bilingue) por um período de 3 anos, no âmbito do Memorando de Entendimento com o Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P.
EOI - Lusophone Compact Investment Consultant - AHGC
Closing date: 9 February 2022
This assignment aims to support the Lusophone Compact Secretariat in implementing Investment and Technical Assistance targets of the annual work program. The key objectives and responsibilities of the Investment Consultant position are to identify business opportunities, support non-sovereign operations teams in executing transactions, and actively manage Lusophone Compact portfolio projects.
Monitoring & Evaluation Technical Specialist, Maputo, Mozambique, P-4 (UNFPA)
Closing date: 25 Jan 2022 05:00 PM (America/New York)
The purpose of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Technical Advisor is to develop and manage plans, systems and mechanisms to support the M&E-related oversight and accountability functions of the CO and facilitate results-based programme management, integrating UNFPA´s priority Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators, UNFPA Strategic Plan indicators, and other relevant indicators; lead the planning and conduct of select decentralized outcome and project evaluations within the framework of the CO Annual Work Plan; and provide technical support to Implementing Partners in strengthening national monitoring and evaluation capacity in partnership with UNFPA East and South African Regional Office (ESARO), UN agencies and other development agencies in Mozambique.
Project Officer, Human Rights (UNDP) - Guiné-Bissau
Application Closing Date: 10-01-2022
Under the overall supervision of the Head of Governance Cluster and the direct supervision of the UNDP Chief Technical Advisor for the Rule of Law, the UN Volunteer Project Officer, Human-Rights will be part of the Project Team embedded at UNDP and s/he will: