Publishing support

Camões – Institute of Co-operation and Language, I.P. supports the international publishing of works produced by Portuguese-language authors translated into other languages, as well as works on themes related to the Portuguese language and culture.
Publishers dealing with international distribution can apply for the programme of support for foreign publishers if they are looking to publish works of authors of the Portuguese language translated into other languages.
Funding for the translation and publication abroad
Seeking to implement the Protocol of Co-operation signed between Camões - Institutte for Cooperation and Language, I.P. (Camões, I.P.) and the General Directorate for Books, Archives and Libraries (DGLAB), which sets up a partnership to promote their shared purpose of promoting of Portuguese literature abroad, as defined in Council of Ministers' Resolution N.º 70/2016, of the 22nd of November, both institutions have created a Funding Programme to support the translation and the publication abroad. The Rules for applying are available in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Chinese and Arabic.
List of Supported Works - 2019
In 2019, priority will be given to works to be published in Chinese and Russian.
Publishing Support Programme 2019
Camões, I.P. supports the publication of works written by Portuguese language authors that are translated into other languages and which focus on themes related to Portuguese language and culture. Order no. 1989/2011 enshrines the standards applicable to the 2019 publishing support programme, and as such, is an integral part of this announcement.
Joint Support Programme for German, Austrian, Luxembourg and Swiss Publishing Houses
As part of the presence of Portugal as a guest country at the Leipzig Book Fair in 2021, Camões, I.P. and DGLAB have created a special programme to support translation and editing: ‘Portugal-Leipzig 2021’. The Programme aims to promote the translation into German of works by Portuguese authors and authors from Portuguese speaking countries (Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Sao Tome, Guinea-Bissau and Timor) for the Leipzig Book Fair in 2021. The Programme is aimed at German, Austrian, Luxembourg and Swiss publishing houses, each publisher being allowed to submit more than one application. The deadline for submission of publishing projects is 29 May 2020. The deadline for informing editors is 31 July 2020.
Publishing Support Programme 2018
Camões, I.P. supports the publication of works written by Portuguese language authors that are translated into other languages and which focus on themes related to Portuguese language and culture. Order no. 1989/2011 enshrines the standards applicable to the 2018 publishing support programme, and as such, is an integral part of this announcement.
List of Supported Works - 2018
In 2018, priority will be given to works to be published in German and Spanish.
List of Supported Works - 2017
In 2017, priority will be given to works to be published in English and German.
List of Supported Works - 2016
In 2016, priority will be given to works to be published in Castilian Spanish and English.
List of Supported Works - 2015
In 2015, priority was given to works published in Slovenian, Slovak, Croatian and Serbian.
List of Supported Works - 2014
In 2014, priority was given to works published in German, Italian and Turkish.